LMText Sciences and Culture Enhancement in the Digital Age
Italy, Bergamo
Study location | Italy, Bergamo |
Type | Master degree, full-time |
Study language | combined Italian/English |
Awards | LM |
Tuition fee | Tuition Fee – first instalment: from €0.00 to €400.00 depending on the student’s family income |
Deposit | €156 one-time NB! Enrolment fee (Not refundable) has to be paid on your arrival in Italy |
Registration fee | €52 one-time NB! Only eligible applicants have to pay Pre-Enrolment fee (Not refundable) |
Entry qualification | Undergraduate / Bachelor diploma (or higher) Admission Requirements To be admitted to the Master’s degree, students with the requisite curricular qualifications must have a positive assessment of the suitability of their personal preparation. Such verification is mandatory; it is subsequent to (and never a substitute for) the verification of curricular requirements. Failure to meet the admission requirements will result in the exclusion from the selection procedure referred to in the notice and prevents from registration. Students must have obtained a Bachelor’s degree in the areas of the humanities and/or technical-scientific disciplines, in Italy or abroad, and to be in possession of a total of 48 ECTS in the following disciplinary fields: INF/01 INFORMATICS and in particular,
Alternatively, - students must hold another qualification obtained abroad, recognised as meeting the above requirements. In case of failure to meet the curricular requirements, the student is not admitted to the phase of verification of personal preparation and must enrol in individual courses in order to supplement the missing requirements for enrolment in the following academic year. You must take the original entry qualification documents along with you when you finally go to the university. |
Language requirements | English Italian |
Other requirements | At least 2 reference(s) should be provided. |
More information |
The Master’s Degree in Text Sciences and Culture Enhancement in the Digital Age (LM – 43 Computer Methodologies for the Humanities) is focused on areas of knowledge and competences that are specific to today’s culture and practice of digital technologies, with a view to training specialists whose transversal and multidisciplinary qualifications guarantee their ability to operate in the world of globalization and digital transition.
The programme has been designed in response to the growing demand for professional profiles combining a humanistic background with skills on the latest empirical, quantitative and data mining techniques. In particular, it hinges on advanced IT skills specifically applied to the humanities, training students – especially in the first year of the course – in the theory and practice of digital humanities and information technology, and in their applications in the audiovisual field, data base and data mining, and digital methodologies for the processing of textual and linguistic data. It also offers legal (intellectual property and digital technology law, digital libraries), anthropological and geographical (digital mapping) competences. These competences are taught in collaboration with the School of Economics, the School of Engineering and the Law Department of the University of Bergamo, and Riga Technical University (with which a double degree is in preparation, collaboration agreements being currently defined).
The MA course is divided into two curricula:
“Digital text sciences, multimodal translation, transcoding”, focusing on the impact of digitalisation on textual and linguistic dynamics, including interlingual translation, linguistic analysis and machine translation, and developing specific linguistic, and philological skills, such as computational linguistics, corpus linguistics and quantitative methods for the analysis of textual data, databases and digital text processing and transmedia studies;
“Enhancement and digital management of cultural productions”, focusing on transmediality and its impact on today’s cultural production, also in a management perspective, and developing competences offered by digital publishing and digital literature modules, as well as by cultural, literary, artistic and historical disciplines (such as visual culture, digital art, public history).
The course will be delivered in blended or mixed mode, with 10-20% of the training activities delivered telematically; in the latter case, lectures will be both frontal and interactive, with the use of a dedicated platform.
In accordance with the training in text analysis, translation and transcoding, the teaching languages of the programme are English and Italian.
The MA programme will include laboratory activities (publishing, media, storytelling, social mapping, digital mapping, software for written/oral text analysis) and internships (in museums, archives, libraries, public or private institutions, etc.), which will introduce students in working contexts with a strong digital, intermodal and/or transmedia vocation, allowing the acquisition of additional professional knowledge and specific application skills.
Career opportunities
1) Web content design, production and enhancement expert
Functions within work environments
Graduates in “Text Sciences and Culture Enhancement in the digital era”:
- oversee the production of digital processes for the Web, with an expertise in the coordination of projects in humanities area;
- design usable interfaces and effective architectures and process textual and multimedia content, taking into account the impact of social media in digital society;
- use appropriate techniques to extract information from large data collections and reshape it into knowledge;
- implement solutions, proposals and sustainable methodological and technological solutions related to learning environments, digitalisation of services, application platforms, collaboration tools and team work, digital publishing products, administrative digitisation and system documentation, in accordance with the needs of public and private institutions, also in synergy with technical assistance activities conducted by other professional figures;
- organise workshops and other activities related to the issues of digitisation, also through training sessions open to local social actors, with a view to a shared digital culture.
Competences associated to the function
Graduates in “Text Sciences and Culture Enhancement in the Digital Era” have the following advanced knowledge, competences and skills:
- organisation and coordination of digital projects, particularly on the Web, with special attention to the humanities;
- design and usability (and/or user experience) evaluation, particularly on the Web, together with the ability to analyse informational and functional elements;
- production of textual and multimedia content in accordance with various media and targets;
- representation, extraction, organisation and dissemination of knowledge from data in public and private companies, bodies and institutions (creation of databases; extraction of knowledge from data; data analysis and visualisation; decision-making support systems; social network analysis; platforms for collaborative work and e-learning; search engines and technologies for web marketing);
- managing activities related to user interaction through social media and social networks (public humanities).
Career opportunities
- Organisations, companies and institutions in the field of web content production and design;
- private practice in design and production of digital resources, in particular in the field of cultural heritage and the humanities;
- educational institutions (in particular workgroups, school teachers and school managers), with a view to implementing innovative methodological and technological solutions for the use of digital tools;
- centres of research on new digital resources;
- management, guidance, support and control bodies, set up by public administrations and/or the private sector.
2) Text processing and analysis expert; Language technologies expert
Functions within work environments
Graduates in “Text Sciences and Culture Enhancement in the digital era”:
- develop and coordinate the construction of new knowledge, especially focusing on the use of textual data and their processing, interpretation and dissemination. Specifically, this professional figure is aimed at the field of language technologies, where it is necessary to produce tools and applications based on the automatic processing of spoken and written language;
- collaborate in research groups in computational linguistics and language technologies in companies operating in the language industry, in research centres in linguistics and language technology, as well as in companies offering digital services for businesses and public administrations.
Competences associated to the function
Graduates in “Text Sciences and Culture Enhancement in the Digital Era” reach a higher level of expertise in:
- knowledge of advanced computer science (databases, semantic web technologies);
- knowledge of tools for searching, extracting and intelligent management of the information contained in text documents;
- ability to extract information from textual databases;
- ability to use linguistic analysis tools and to create linguistic resources;
- ability to present and communicate research data and results;
- ability to deliver and edit reports.
Career opportunities
- Public and private research institutes;
- innovative start-ups;
- think-tanks and policy institutions;
- intelligence-centred organisations (business intelligence, marketing intelligence);
- research centres in linguistics and language technologies.
3) Knowledge manager; Public and Digital Humanities expert; Historian; Scientific information and dissemination storyteller; Expert in digital technologies applied to cultural heritage
Functions within work environments
Graduates in “Text Sciences and Culture Enhancement in the Digital Era”:
- employ various sources, including digital ones, to understand, interpret and reconstruct history (phenomena, problems and socio-cultural contexts from the past to the present) and disseminate it in scientific, educational and educational contexts;
- have methodological skills to correctly evaluate and interrogate manuscript and printed sources, and to conduct comparative analysis in order to understand the evolution of written communication and its representativeness in regard to social and political changes;
- have competences dedicated to the creation, conservation and dissemination of knowledge within public and private organisations;
- use techniques to skilfully organise knowledge (such as indexes, thesauri, taxonomies), mastering technological tools to represent and extract it (semantic Web tools). These functions are carried out through metadata and the choice of the most appropriate infrastructure, through acquisition of information from data, dissemination of contents, in particular on the Web, and user fruition;
- manage and enhance the fruition of tangible and intangible cultural heritage within public and private organisations;
- manage the dissemination, through digital tools, of historical, archaeological and historical-artistic knowledge in museums, publishing companies, radio and television, websites and digital platforms dedicated to cultural heritage;
- provide support in the use of computer technologies for textual study and analysis.
Competences associated to the function
Graduates in “Text Sciences and Culture Enhancement in the Digital Era” reach a higher level of expertise in:
- implementation of initiatives for the protection, enhancement and promotion of cultural, historical and palaeographic heritage;
- research and study of sources and resources (both physical and digital) linked to the evolution of written communication;
- coordination of documentary and historical reconstruction research activities;
- design and implementation of storytelling for both specialist and lay users;
- organisation and management of events, events and exhibitions;
- historical and social fruition of cultural mediation.
They also have advanced competences in:
- management and enhancement of knowledge, transmitted through information systems within organisations, institutions, companies and public or private institutions, in order to enhance the expressive and cognitive power of data;
- digital management (creation, preservation, metadata, dissemination and accessibility) of knowledge, in public and private sectors;
- use of controlled vocabularies for the description of knowledge;
- design and implementation of applications aimed at the enhancement, preservation and study of cultural heritage.
Career opportunities
Public and private organisations in the preservation, management, care, enhancement, promotion and fruition of knowledge, and of historical, social, cultural and digital heritage.
4) Archival research expert; Documentalist; Historian archive expert; Digital curator; Digital librarian
Functions within work environments
Graduates in “Text Sciences and Culture Enhancement in the Digital Era”:
- conduct research and manage, evaluate and guarantee the preservation of mainly documental paper and digital archives, both repositories and of historical and cultural interest;
- recover, organise and manage analogue, digitised and digital library assets, through activities of classification, cataloguing, indexing and digitisation;
- guarantee the preservation, protection, accessibility and public use thereof;
- make them available on digital media;
- assist users in the consultation and use of bibliographical, documentary, and cultural/ museum resources, also through the use of specific electronic and digital equipment;
- organise promotional activities, exhibitions and events;
- carry out professional activities in the fields of cultural mediation, research orientation, information and digital literacy.
Competences associated to the function
Graduates in “Text Sciences and Culture Enhancement in the Digital Era” have the following advanced knowledge, competences and skills:
- inventorying, organisation, ordering, management, enhancement and use of archival-documentary, tangible, intangible and digital heritage;
- production of archival-documentary, tangible, intangible and digital heritage and ability to reconstruct its historical path and guarantee its protection and preservation (also in digital format).
Career opportunities
Public and private organisations in the preservation, promotion and use of any type of archival and cultural heritage, both analogue and digital.